Why is it that when I finally have a plan, Universe throws a curveball at me? Curse you Universe.
So I have this plan set up to leave Colorado in the spring (looking like late April or early May) and head back to Indy to start over. It's got to better than Colorado Springs. Everything but a job is lined up, and going through my expenses, I don't need that much of a job to cover me in the short them. Crud, the Ambien is kicking in. Part of this plan was an active decision to avoid getting involved with members of the opposite sex.
This is where Universe has thrown me a curve ball. I go up to Steamboat to perform Sam and Juli's (two of my greatest friends} wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony goes off quite well. The service is short yet powerful. I had scrapped almost every thing I had and completely rewrote it the night be for the wedding (including the vows). I ended up dropping a "cool" in there somewhere that seem to be appropriate. Sam and Juli loved it as they knew it came from my heart. It worked, it was meaningful, powerful and from the heart. And short, we're talking like 10 maybe 12 minutes.
American Relay got back together for one night just for Sam & Juli. If that's not one great gift, then I don't know what is.
Shortly after the band. This young lady (one of the few singles at the wedding, other than myself, Nick (and he's in the band)) and Jay approaches me and starts talking to me about the service and religion (to a lesser extent). I had sort of been avoiding talking to her as I thought that would be age inappropriate on my part. Turns out she's not 21 - 23 like suspected but 26. And she's cool. Like really cool. She knows Built to Spill, which is at least 50 instant bonus points. She's smart, has the face of an angel and in unconcerned by our age difference (to the point of asking me to not bring it up). And did I mention she's into cool music? Yeah. So we hit it off.
I'm not going into anymore details of the night. Between the fair amounts of beer and a smidgen peer pressure, I thought I had pretty much freaked her out. But the next day, things were cool. End result, I got her number to call her next time I'm in town.
Anyway, I didn't wait the amount of time the rules say to contact her. Cool. And now I want to see her again.
And this is why the Universe is playing tricks on me. And the ambien is kicking in.