Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back. In. Screw that.

So I'm sitting here listening to this Peel Sessions New Order record I picked up today, and it sounds nothing like the New Order I grew up listening to (ok, the last track "5-8-6" has some of what I remember). Admittedly, it was recorded a few years ago be for most of us over here in the States started listening to them. This was recording in 1982, most of what we know here in the States was recording 1986 or later. Curse the record store. And curse my next trip to Twist and Shout up in Denver.

I keep scouring the used bins. I've picked up what I hope are a few gems. Although I suspect that most of what I've picked up is not really that great. I get the sense that in Colorado Springs either anyone that had decent taste has either died or move away. For their sake I'm hoping for the latter.

As always I'm not sure what my point is here. I suspect I'm riding the waves of nostalgia. Especially since I just put on a record that was released the year I was born "Masters of Reality" by Black Sabbath, another score.

I'm avoiding the issue that I think I'm letting myself get hurt again. It's easy though I tie it all up with all these records again and no one really notices. The only one is me, and that's just because I have a strange sense of impending doom hanging over my head.

And I really think that Black Sabbath in the original line-up was way more hippie that we ever want to admit.

1 comment:

hutch73 said...

three reasons why sabbath didn't end up sounding like a hippy band: downtuning, tommy ioummi loosing half his finger, and ozzy being a complete madman. other than that they were pretty close!