Thursday, May 15, 2008


Once again I find myself slacking here. Sorry to the all two of you regular readers. You know who you are (seriously, I'm down to just you two).

And I've been slacking on my picture taking, although now that it's starting to get green outside again I probably will find myself motivated to start taking more photos. I was really getting bummed out by all the gray. Rarely if ever will you hear me complain about snow, but I was/am getting sick of the cold gray and tan surroundings. We didn't really get that much snow this winter although it was threating to snow at some point today.

I've given up or at least I don't care anymore. As far as the womenfolk go. I'm not pining to be with anyone (it'd be nice) and I don't even know if I want to be bothered with getting involved with anyone. Having said that, it doesn't mean my eyes are closed. The last time I took this stance I ended up on a three year dry spell. And by dry spell I mean nothing. No dates, no hand holding and nothing else. That part wasn't exactly ok. And in fact I'm torn between what exactly giving up means. Does it mean to completely disengage or just not care anymore. Does giving up mean I'm not able to show interest or just that at this point either way is ok with me. Crud, if I'm asking these questions does that mean I haven't given up?

Ugh. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

hutch73 said...

after the crap you've had to put up with a dry spell might be a good thing.