Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pablo will no longer be a bastard

Yes, yes, I fully intended to get here earlier but I got distracted. But my character is now a level 51 psionist and a level 40 cleric. Yeah, I shouldn't be wasting my time playing that game but I am somewhat entertained by it.

I managed to get back to Steamboat for a day or so. If I didn't see you sorry, it was a rush trip. I was there to marry off Brett and Nikki. It was good to see those who I got to see though, Paradox and Penny's parents. Apparently the ceremony went off well even with my having to ad lib part of it.

I met Phrank's mother this weekend, it was interesting. Phrank and her mother aren't that much alike but there are some things that they do exactly the same (I'll probably get slugged for that). Anyway, her mother was nice and if nothing else fawned over the cats.

In other news, I have ordered a ring for Phrank and as far as I know we will get married someday. Or something like that. Knowing that I'd never be able to find anyone quite like her and seeing that she wants this to work I figured it was time. Perhaps a bit soon but compared to my grandparents we're waiting forever (they got married the day after they met).

Good you've all recovered.

We haven't set a date. A year, yes. Sometime in 2008.

Wow, I've never done this before.


Anonymous said...

are you claiming spike as well?

it's going to take us at least two years to agree on the details for this shindig!

who woulda thunk?!

i love you, you food smacking, twitchy man.


GCU of paradox said...

what game are you talking about?

anyway, i still owe you for the swell shirt you brought up for me. thanks again. email your street address and i'll drop a check in the mail.

pictures from the weekend to be posted soon.

P to tha X

P.S. Sorry I missed Phrank, I was really looking forward to meeting her. Oh well, next time.