Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Lurking around in the Internet you can find a lot of the bad and darkness in the world out there, sometimes in fact it finds you. But lately I've been trying to find some of the lightness and good. It started with looking at lolcatz and loldogz. And then it progressed to more things that could be considered cute. Now mind you, I don't spend all day looking at that stuff. I still read the news and get the bad news too (although I try to stay away from overly graphic stuff, unless it's fake). But I do try now to look at stuff that brings a smile to myself a few times a day. That leads me to articles like this. It's a story of a shop keeper in a small town in England who decided to take the day off but leave the store open with an honor box. He wasn't robbed. I'm trying to see the better side of humanity.

And then I run across this article today. Entitled "The Male Spinster", it makes me wonder if that may be what I am. After reading this, I'm wondering if that's the path I'm heading. Lately, I've started to think that I am destined for a life of solitude. I'm not sure if I'm completely ok with this, but I'm not sure if it's possible to fight fate (if that's my fate that is).

I've never really bought the whole "one true love" thing or the "there's someone for everyone" thing either. It could be that I'm just jaded, but I really thing I've never really believed that those two things are true. Over the years, I've just seen to many people in unhappy, unloving situations and yet they stay in them. Emotions and feelings change over time and I'm not buying that each one of us have a soulmate out there (ok, that sounds pretty jaded, doesn't it?).

But, if that's the life I'm to live (at least for now), then I'll just look at kittens and puppies to make me smile.

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