Sunday, January 11, 2009

Surprise! Or not.

Sometimes I surprise myself. Apparently, once in a while I can actually ask the questions I want answers to in a direct way. It doesn't happen that often, as I tend to beat around the bush. I'm not exactly sure why I do it that way but I do. Tonight, though, I asked a question the way I wanted to hear the answer (after failing at asking it subtly). And it was refreshing to get an answer to it.

Anyway, on to music, I guess. I have this feeling I've been neglecting this part. Tonight after the aforementioned conversation I went out to see my friends' band from Denver American Relay play at the Rocket Room tonight. I completely managed to space taking any cameras to prove my presence so you'll just have to believe me on this one. They played pretty damn good, and ended the show with a bit of a jam session with Reverend Deadeye and Becky Lee. It was pretty fun and I felt my body move a bit. Having only had a beer of two, that's a bit rare for me. But I guess with not having my camera, I didn't know what else to do.

I've been pouring over my music lately trying to come up with playlists. I find it a bit of a challenge. If I'm OCD about anything, it's sorting my music (and photos to a lesser extant), so it can get hard for me to mix genres on a playlist. Trying to make a mixtape/CD is actually hard. Not like making an actual tape back in the day (see Chuck Klosterman for the difference between a mixed tape and mixed CD). But nonetheless, it can be a struggle to come up with the best mix. Especially when you have 25 days worth of music on one hard drive.

Oh well, it's late and tonight I think I drift off with Beruit.

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