Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Digging through the stacks

For the past week or so I've been digging around through the various accounts (gmail, myspace and the like (yes, I actually logged into myspace)) I have scattered around the Internet, not really for any discernible purpose that I can tell.  One thing that strikes me is that I used to have much more and quality interaction with people online than I do now.  There were emails that I had written that were many paragraphs long and if printed may have been multiple pages.  Before the days of everyone having either email or a social site profile, I was a bit of a letter writer, perhaps that explains some of this.  Not to mention I was more motivated to write in general.  Now, not as much.

I was going through a series of messages with someone I originally met online, meet in real life and actually wrote about here a decent amount.  I'm actually going to go see her in less than a month and am pretty excited to see her again.

Back to the point at hand though.  As with real life, my Internet life has become less engaging for a few years.  I mostly lurk on reddit.com, make a status update on Facebook, and then just spend hours going from page to page.  Before, I would occasionally chat with people, write a few emails and try to get a few posts a week down here.  That doesn't happen anymore.  Perhaps I had more free time when I started doing this and being online in general.  Or maybe as time went by, I just got bored.

I look back, and realize in some limited form, I've had this blog for a very long time.  Since 2005.  Sheesh.  Admittedly, I've been ignoring it for some of the last few years.  When I first started writing here, I was still using the dial-up modem built into my iBook G3, a computer that I didn't replace until late 2008.  Dial-up!  I remember how long it would take me to upload a picture to Flickr, and the sound of the modem connecting is etched into my brain.  That kind of connection I don't miss, high speed is definitely and improvement.  The Internet is not the place it was six years ago.

I wonder what's next?

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