Saturday, July 01, 2006

Forty-eight hours

A few minutes ago I hit forty-eight hours without having a cigarette or any form of nicotine. Right now I don't want one because I wouldn't want to go through the last two days again.

At some point last weekend I came up with the brilliant idea that Phrank and I should quit on July 1st. As the state of Colorado instituted the smoking ban today I figured that it would be appropriate. Of course when I woke up yesterday morning and had no cigarettes left I figured I might as well start quitting then.

Ugh. Talk about out of it. I was incoherent and loopy all day yesterday. Not to mention tired yet restless.

Today I've just been grumpy and itchy. Which isn't such a good thing because Phrank is grumpy from not having any cigarettes. Of course she was smart enough to use nicotine gum but it's not any easier on her as the no cigarettes hack has descended on her. We cleaned the house for most of the morning and after which I made myself scarce as much as I could. I knew being as grumpy and irritable as I was feeling, I could actually say something that I might regret and I didn't want to do that.

Here's the strange thing, the cravings aren't yet as bad as I thought they would be. I've yet to fully tell myself that I want a cigarette. Yeah, there's been moments where I crave just a hit of nicotine. That's the physical addiction. I'm wondering about the mental part. Perhaps the fact that I'm trying to change my routines is helping. For instance, I would always have a smoke after eating, now I've been trying to take a small walk after eating. It's weird, even some of the triggers that usually send me straight for a smoke have happened and I haven't even thought about one other than "I used to smoke when this would happen".

All I can say is I hope I can make this last.


Anonymous said...

i mostly just want to punt a small child.


Anonymous said...

you guys can do this. hang in there. it gets easier, but i warn you it never goes away all the way. i never smoked that much, but even now about twice a year someone will light a smoke and it'll smell good. but then i'll get a wiff of the ashtray and am reminded of why i quit, and it's awesome.

jw said...

whats up kieth. u never said good bye. lick me.

hows life in the springs?

JackassJimmy said...

Keep it up guys, I know you can both do it!.
