Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The package

Well it seems I am now the proud father of a rather large, baking soda eating cat. One thing about Phrank is she is a package deal. A package that consists of five cats, two rats, one guinea pig and two fish. Now if you're entertaining images of the crazy cat throwing lady from the Simpson's, stop. It's nothing like that, I haven't been pelted by a cat yet.

Anyway, Gunter and I have seemed to picked each other out. Which I'm not really sure what that says about me as he is the dumbest one of the herd of cats. At first I just felt sorry for him because everyone said he was dumb. Which he is. But he is dumb in an endearing way. And he falls down a lot which I have a bad habit of doing as well. Not only that but he lays and sleeps in Playboy Bunnyesque poses.

Truth be told I like the package that comes with Phrank and I think that I've reached an understanding with most of the pets. Considering that I had a near phobia of rats coming into this relationship I think I've done pretty well (but I still hate wild rats). At least there aren't any horses involved (I think one tried to shoot me in a dream).


Anonymous said...


he is such a monumental dumbass.

i still wish i knew his previous life story.

you forgot to mention that he attacks beads of water as they trail down the shower curtain.


GCU of paradox said...

(editor's note) A collective of cats may be referred to as a clowder of cats, a clutter of cats, a cluster of cats, a destruction of cats (if feral or wild), a glaring of cats, or a pounce of cats. Please reserve the term 'herd' for cattle and other such ruminents.

Anonymous said...

the reigning braintrust of the local clowder requests that you drive down tonight and play hookie from work tomorrow. according to gunter, nothing would make him happier and more well adjusted than you and i piled up in bed all day tomorrow with your tv on the dresser.
(i'll even make breakfast...come know you want the cheddar garlic buttermilk biscuits of doom!)


oh and isn't gunter dumber than cattle thereby allowing the use of the word "herd" in reference to his dumbass. his fat ass is a herd unto itself!