I have no control. This is something I thought I knew along time again. It's always seemed apparent to me that as the world spun around me there was really very little that I had the power to change. Including myself.
I've always had a sense of powerlessness. For quite a few years this powerlessness manifested itself in the guise of me seeking out conspiracy theories and believing them (that's not to say in the back of my head I still think there is a secret group pulling lots of strings). I was engrossed in them and they fed that feeling of no control over anything. By believing that some shadowy group controlled the destiny of the human race I was basically saying that I gave up and let it happen. What was I going to do, fight them somehow? Thankfully, after giving up some things and talking it out, I came out and realized that it really didn't matter and that it was a manifestation of a deeper paranoia. I still have quite a bit of paranoia but I believe it's not as bad as it once was.
What I'm slowly learning (and I mean very slowly) is that the only control I actually do have is over myself. I still don't know how to exert it most of the time. I let my emotions take over and shut down because I don't know how to deal with them. Dealing with my issues is going to take a long time and I don't even know really where to begin. Even though I have a pretty good idea of where they come from, I really don't know how much that is going to help. So far the only thing I know is that I have no control over anyone else but me and I don't have much of that right now.
speaking of things you have no control over...aaron called from the catering company and he and davis want me to work a wedding reception on saturday night. since i was such a slacker last week i said yes.
want to fly the kites on sunday? and/or go to the zoo?
oh and i decided to give you dibs on the wallaby shirt. = )
smile jackass.
oooh. what kind of kites are you guys into? i've got a couple of two handled stunt kites that i love to fly, and i just got a box kite for my birthday that i have yet to try out. maybe i'll see you at the park. don't go to the zoo, you'll just get depressed.
oh, and i think you have more control that you believe. you just gotta own it, dude.
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