Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Useless idiot?

I think I've stumbled (and thousands of others) across what could be the greatest piece of writing on the Internet, ever. First go read this, I'll wait. Done? Good. Did you notice the source? Yes, the man quoted the The Onion. An article from 1999 no less. This post of Pete's garnered several hundred comments informing him that a) he is an idiot and b) The Onion is a parody site/paper. I think the best comment may have been this:
I'm pro life, but sweet Jesus you're an idiot. For your next post, how about a passionate speech on the need to immediately free Prince Albert from the can?
But it gets even better. Pete is either too obtuse or to proud to admit that he'd been had. He had to go and write another post quoting even more of the original parody and defending his original post is some twisted way that you will just have to read for yourself. Sheesh. Double sheesh actually, because there is a third post decrying the language used in the comments from the two previous postings.

Now I'll be the first one to admit that I can be something of an idiot sometimes. But geez, I usually drop it after I realize that I was wrong (of course, there are times where I'll hold out until it's just painfully obvious). Although, I also don't have an extreme position that I'm holding onto and obsess over (and no Wikipedia does not count!) that leads to blindness of sorts. I guess I'll have to check on old Pete for the next few days and see what comes of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, the things my boyfriend does after i'm in bed at night....
