Friday, September 28, 2007

Night shots

finger rock
Originally uploaded by surly monkey
The living room is pretty much empty, I'm typing this out with my computer one a tomato box that is serving as the coffee table. Across the room is a frame print of this photo leaning against the cabinet the guinea pig cage is on. Hopefully, we'll have everything out of here tomorrow and can clean the next day.

I've spent a fair part of the evening looking at this photo. It's perhaps one of my favorites so far. This one was taken back in 2004, when I first started playing around with taking night shots. There were a few tries before I got this one and I had to wait for a car to come by to catch it. This particular car turned out to be a state trooper who turned around to make sure I wasn't a dead body on the side of the road.

There is something about taking photos at night that I seem to enjoy. I haven't done it in a while and I'm probably due to get out one night and get some night shots of this city. Truthfully I haven't taken a lot of photos here in the city. Of course another advantage to the new apartment is there is an awesome view to get some shots taken. Perhaps some night I'll catch the moon over Cheyenne Mountain.

1 comment:

GCU of paradox said...

Is that finger rock on rte. 131?