Thursday, September 27, 2007

Keep your phone

I've come to the conclusion that I feel bad for the customers of the company I work for. Or at least most of the ones I deal with, especially the ones that have phone service with us. People who have switched to our phone service have lost the phone number they've had for years, gone without phone service for weeks on end and lost features that they had with the old land line companies. Put it this way, if one needs a reliable hassle free land line phone, then one should stick with an actual land line company. If the home phone is just there for convience then digital phone is for you.

Of course, I'm sure it's not just the company I work for. I would guess that the other cable companies that are beginning to offer voice services are experiencing the same kind of issues. And only a small percentage of our customers do call in and I only talk to a small percentage of those callers.

Nonetheless, the crap we have to put some of these people through bothers me. I try as hard as I can to make it easier on them by getting the service back on as quickly as possible and guiding them how to properly navigate if they want to cancel with us.

Not that long ago I was enjoying my job but I'm getting back to the point where it's just tedious and once again I feel ineffectual. At some point it will get better or so I hope.

Sorry to bitch to much, but I really do feel bad for some of these people. And sometimes I think they can tell.

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