Thursday, September 20, 2007


For the first time in a work environment, I saw and heard someone completely lose it today. Shortly before I was supposed to log in to the phones there was a brief power outage that shut down all of the computers, lights and perhaps the phones. When the lights came back on we heard a lady from the next row start yelling "I can't take it anymore!" At first it sounded like she was kidding but we all quickly realized that she wasn't. This woman genuinely had a freak out. If she would have said something about going to strangle someone I think she would have been just sent to take a walk. Of course having said something like that she got pulled into a managers office and I think sent home early.

Coincidentally, there was a regional analyst on site today who was standing around us when this happened. I can understand where this lady is coming from (although I doubt if I'd snap like that, I'd probably tell my supe "I'm leaving for a bit, if you need to fire me then do so") and told the analyst as such.

It was probably good for him to see that even though it was sort of pathetic and ugly at the same time. We are under quite a bit of pressure and quite a few of us feel that the managers and higher up really have no inkling of that.

What would be awesome is if it caused marketing to slow down some of their pushing new sales and focus on the customers we already have.

I feel safe enough to go to work tomorrow, I doubt if she's going to show up with a shotgun or anything like that. And I do know that if I see some coming in with a firearm, I'm hitting the deck caller or no caller and getting the hell out. Getting shot at work is not the way I want to die. And I still have finger puppets to make.

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