Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well it's official. Phrank and I are going to move in together. We've already broken the news to the respective parents that would try to talk us out of it so that's out of the way. The Hutch and the Sarita on my side are cool with it and that's the only familial approval I'd want.

What apprehensions I had about getting a place together have faded. There's going to be a lot of newness for me in this but I'm not worried about it. Yeah, for all practical purposes this is my first time doing this. Or at least my first time in adulthood. The last time I was barely in my twenties and under the influence of way too many psychedelics. But I'm pretty excited about the prospect of having a home with Phrank.

I keep discovering things about Phrank that still amaze me. She is a domestic goddess for one. In a way I had an inkling of this from the very first night we met in person, when she made me take off my hoodie so she could sew the sleeves for me. But it turns out she's an awesome cook among her other qualities. After living like a bachelor for so many years, I've forgotten for the most part what a home cooked meal is like and her's are pretty damned good. And that's just the surface.

So I'm plunging full on into this and I like every bit of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't recall june cleaver ever saying "fuck" alot or having ink, but at least i finally get "ward, you were a little hard on the beaver last night".

speaking of wards, you know, he was right--i am like someone's grandmother. hobbies include cooking, gardening and reading. hmm. kinda depressing.

at least i listen to better music than most ratfaced grannys.
