Friday, June 24, 2005


My local celebrity status seems to be rising again (if you were looking at my as I type this you would see that I am laughing at myself). A certain local journalist wants me to provide a playlist for a regular section of the weekly entertainment section. All these years of listening to music and now I have to make a list of a few songs. That's actually a challenge as there is so much damn music I like and would want to share. Of course I'm tempted to pick the most obscure bands I have in my collection just to see what kind of reaction there would be. Although in my defense, a lot of the music I listen to is obscure for this town.

Even though I don't listen to it to often I grew up listening to band out of the DC punk scene, and I still feel that Fugazi is one of the greatest bands of all time. Hell, if they were to go on tour again I would seriously think about dropping everything and following them (and recording every show).

The biggest problem is which bands not to list. There have been so many that have had some kind of influence on me and I don't even listen to them anymore. Dang this is going to be hard.

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