Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dignity and Shame's really about an album by Crooked Fingers. I've been a silent Crooked Fingers fan since my brother turned me onto them several years ago. The good thing about this band (which is pretty much Eric Bachmann from Archers of Loaf) is that every album is that much better than the last. According to the story I've been told this is record of love songs was pretty much written as a dare or challenge. And yet Bachmann succeeded in writing an album full of touchingly melancholy love songs that are full of pain and passion. Not only that but he carries on the tradition of song titled after women not just once but twice. "Valerie" is one of them that has a bit of a twangy sound and his desire to swear off peep show girls makes a bit of a declaration of faithfulness (however faulty it may be). Anyway if you have never listened to Crooked Fingers this is as good as any other album to start with, although the others are really good as well.

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