Friday, April 15, 2005


Do idiots come in clusters? After tonight I'm beginning to think they do because there was a serious idiot cluster in the gas station tonight. It started with a women who was smoking while she was pumping her gas. Smoking! Sheesh, I'm a smoker and I would never even remotely think about smoking within 25 feet of a gas pump. And then she gets irritated when I asked her to put it out. Later there was a lady who managed to break one of the pumps and I have know idea how that happened, although her grasp of English wasn't that great so that may be part of the problem.

Then came the minors trying to buy smokes. First he does the lap around the store, for some reason they always do. And then up to the counter. It went something like this:

"Can I get some smokes?"
"Got your ID?"
"I think so"

He does the mandatory look through his wallet trying to convince me he has one. This is one of two tricks minors try to get cigs, the other is just handing me the ID and hope I don't actually look at the date.

"I don't have it on me"
"No ID, no smokes."
"Are you sure? I swear I'm 18."
"Yeah right."

Then his little friend ask me if Stu still works here. That was like two years ago. Maybe he thought namedropping would score them some smokes.

I have to say I love denying smokes to minors.

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