Friday, April 22, 2005

This could get me in trouble

Last Sunday's Steamboat Pilot had an article about how the county commissioners are reviewing the funding for GRAMNET (Grand, Routt and Moffat Narcotics Enforcement Team). Personally I'd like to see their funding cut as I've always had the feeling they are a kind of cowboy outfit, at least for this area. Plus according to vague numbers GRAMNET provided to the commissioners led me to believe they tend to target marijuana more than they should. Yes, marijuana is illegal but barely here in Colorado. If the marijuana arrest end up to be just simple possession charges then GRAMNET is truly wasting taxpayer money. Especially considering possession is a $150 fine. Additionally there have been stories for years floating around up here about the heavy handed tactic they use, which if are true border on unconstitutional.

If GRAMNET were appeared to be actively targeting the methamphetime problem up here, I would be more inclined to support their mission. As it is, it seems that most of their meth and coke bust are based on blind luck and informants. If we are giving them that much money it would be nice to see some arrest based on indepth investigations and real undercover operations. And if arrest are occurring out of these investigations we should be hearing about it.

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