Sunday, April 24, 2005

Wading in

Generally I stay away from politics here as I feel I don't have well thought out political opinions. However, I am going to make an exception tonight because I like to see someone stand up to a powerful group. I'm talking about Ken Salazar not laying down when Focus on the Family's political wing decided to launch adds here in Colorado which attack him. Salazar and James Dobson (who founded Focus on the Family and is the new Fundamentalist Christian kingmaker) have been trading barbs all week. And for once a Democrat is coming forward as a man of faith. Which to me is refreshing.

Personally I've disliked Dobson for years, everytime I've heard him speak he come across as a huckster to me. In addition I find his version of Christianity to be rather rigid and unforgiving. His strong affiliation with "Dr." Laura bothers me as well.

I have no problem with Christians in general, if fact many of my morals come from eighteen years of attending church. But there are certain groups that scare me and the Colorado Springs group is one of them. They want the power to run the country and they will not stop until they achieve that goal. If they do any of us who do not believe the way they do are in for a world of hurt.

Anyway, a big amen to Ken Salazar for standing up to this theological bully. The more I hear about our freshman senator, the more I like him (well except for the bankruptcy bill).

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