Thursday, April 28, 2005

yeah yeah yeah

Apparently I've acheived a fair amount of local fame in the last several months. Actually, I've sure that is a bit of an overstatement but that's what I tell myself, and Shawny at Mocha's tells me that as well. The thing is I've had more ink in the local press than I have in my entire life. Between the contest in the Local, the article in the Pilot and some other stuff in Local (mostly a couple of cover photos I've shot), I've had some press. Which is a little weird for me. There's never been a point in my life where people have said to me "I liked the article about you", until now. To tell the truth I have no idea where I am going with this...I guess it's just interesting and new to me.

Can I mention Sonic Youth just one more time? Every so often I go on a binge of listening to everything by them that I own. Tonight is Dirty. Which to me is one of their best, or at least the best of the ones that I own. The rawness from their ealier stuff is still very much present, and the proto-grunge sound they help found is at it's peak on this album. I should clarify by saying that I don't in any way consider Sonic Youth grunge, but I think they were very infuential with the grunge bands of that time. This album is less jazzy than their newer albums, which I've alluded to in earlier posts. Ok, I'll try and not write about Sonic Youth for at least a month.

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