Friday, April 15, 2005

Geek alert

As some may know, I am a Mac user partly because Microsoft drives me to distraction. Although I will say XP is a thousand times better than ME ever was. But that's not my point. Recently I downloaded Firefox from Mozilla to try out on my Mac. Since then I've made it my default browser, Safari (for Mac) was already faster than Explorer but Firefox is even faster and I'm on a crappy dialup connection. For Windows users there are even more reasons to switch mostly security related. It does offer a lot more protection from virii and spyware, not being intergrated into the OS has some serious advantages. Mozilla also offers an email client called Thunderbird that is apparently quite good. I haven't used it as I'm quite happy with the email client that came with my computer. But I would encourge those of you still using Explorer to at least try out Firefox. It's pretty damn cool.

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