Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Maker's, Birthday's and Rock-n-or-Roll


Originally uploaded by surly monkey.
Once again it was another successful The Local party. And I managed to finish off the Maker's Mark that night. Work was very fun the next day. I don't know if it was the better sound system or what but American Relay freakin' nailed it that night. I'll have some more photos of them up at my flickr.com page soon. If you're in Colorado and have a chance to see them, don't miss out they are damn worth it.

After American Relay played the Plagiarists hit the stage. Once again I think the Levelz sound system seems to make bands sound even better, because they were tight. Unfortunately the crowd wasn't dancing like they should have been. I tried to make some old/middle school moves when I wasn't shooting but I'm just one person. There was this one young lady really into them, regrettably none of my photos of her turned out.

I'd talk about Gyrus but by the time they started I was too buzzed and distracted to really do them justice. I do seem to remember several Ween covers though. And Ween is cool.

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