Saturday, April 16, 2005

When the orbit shakes so do we

So bourbon is the key to loose fingers, at least for me. Finally turned of the TV and am listening to the music I've saved here on my computer. Just turned on Mastodon who are full on metal. Yeah, at this time of night it will last one song but there is just something about metal. I have this fantansy of me being a singer in a metal band sometimes. You know the one, with the long hair flailing during the guitar solo and growling into the mic.

But that can't last so back to the old standby, Sonic Youth. I can't go wrong with them. It's not like they changed my life or anything but they did change the way I listen to music. I suspect that without Sonic Youth it would have taken alot longer for me to appreciate jazz. That may sound weird to those of you who are not so familiar with them but in a way they are jazz and yet not at all. Find me and ask me sometime, I may be able to explain it. All I can say here is that it has to do with the movement of the piece.

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