Thursday, January 19, 2006

Friends, everybody's got them...Part 2

As much as I can be a bad friend, I've been blessed with friends who understand or are at least used to my flakiness. Which is good because I am if nothing else a flake at times. Luckily, the large majority of my longterm friends aren't beholden to the darkside like I wrote about last night.

Over the years, I've had the advantage of making friends with people who challenge and inspire me. There are quite a few that I couldn't imagine going through life without knowing. These people have influenced the way I look and listen to the world around me. They've exposed me to things (music, literature, art, etc.) that I would have never found on my own. Our conversations, whether it be the state of the world or deconstructing episodes of The Simpson's have almost always been interesting to say the least. These are the friends that make me look at myself and wonder what am I doing with myself. Yeah, they may be working mundane jobs like the rest of us but there's stuff they're doing when they aren't working that just blows me away. The ones that I want to see or hear the finished product of their labors when it's done.

These are the one's that have kept me on track over the years. They're the ones that never let me go fully to the darkside. The ones that didn't let the crazies and fakers come between us. These people are the ones who, in my darkest hours sat next to me and reminded me that this was the worst it would get and things would get better. And things did get better. Quickly, sometimes.

I'm grateful for these people that I call my friends. I wouldn't be who I am without them. Hell, I might not even be here without them.

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