Tuesday, January 03, 2006

No surly, no pump, still a monkey

It's true, I am no longer the surly monkey. Nor are there any pumps near by. My surliness as been on a slow decline for months now, ever since I left the gas station. And after meeting the lovely Phrank, pretty much all of the surliness has completely disapated. That just really cemented this disapation.

I'm not changing the name though, I like it. There are still moments where I feel a touch surly. Nothing like the days of answering stupid questions and hearing people bitch about the price of gas. Now it's mostly when people are overly condescending or needy to me. I stil have a hard time holding customers hands (figurativally) as I expect a higher level of knowledge and curiousity from the current crop of customers I deal with on a daily basis.

I won't deny that my outlook has improved in the last matter of months or so. Those of you that have been following this thing here have probably noticed. Getting out of the gas station racket was probably one of the best things I could have done for myself in a long time. Now if I could just stop dealing with the public altogether I'd be set.

Yeah, I may not be surly but the name is staying.

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