Thursday, January 12, 2006

Time to watch Akira

After being cooped up in this trailer for two days, I think I'm starting to go a bit stir crazy. My balance is off, I keep coming close to falling down on the floor (and not on purpose this time). I feel healthy enough that I'm going to have to get out tomorrow. Plus it's my Sunday.

Phrank has been extra good to me in the last couple of days. Even though she's 220 miles away she's been calling and checking up on me, giving me cold remedies and making me rest. Actually, she ordered me to stay in bed on the first day of this sickness. I can only imagine what it would be like if I lived within five miles. The thing is, in all the other relationships I've had, no one else has ever given a rat's ass that I was sick. And all of these girls were in the same town as me (if not the same house). The fact that she's shown more concern about my wellbeing from so far away just makes me feel that much luckier to have her.

Just a little over a month ago, I would have never guessed that I'd feel this way about someone. Maybe there was a slight inkling there due to the emails back and forth but I really don't think so. I'd have never imagined that after all of my recent failed attempts at dating that it could be this good.

Phrank digs the fact that I'm a geek. My geek light can shine bright around her, she may call me a dork or a geek but I know that it is a term of endearment coming from her. Not only that but she's just as bad as I am. She is the first woman I've ever been with that actually enjoys hanging out in an arcade playing video games and skeeball. Her knowledge and analysis of Star Trek TNG astounds me. I'm glad it's fictional because she would leave me for Data in a New York minute.

There is very little that we could say to each other that would offend. Being that we are both sarcastic and smartasses, there seems to be very little in the way of touchy subjects. I don't need to censor myself with her and she with me. Hell, she probably knows things about me already that no one else even knows.

After all of these years, I've finally got what I deserve and it's a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really should reconsider venturing out of bed at 1am. i make less sense at that hour than any other time which is rather alarming.

i disagree. nerdboy lacks the glamour and prestige of geekboy. (if you go changing your moniker, would i be obliged to do the same?) plus nerdboy pays homage to 'revenge of the nerds' and while i do love the movie and often quote it, this story is ours.

fuck off john cusack and anthony edwards!


p.s. yes, it's friday and yes, i'm on coffee overload. yea!