Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Movement is limited

Tonight I can barely see the screen. I'm so tired, I can't even fall asleep. There was the thought about talking about the Terri Schiavo case, but it's more depressing than I want to deal with. OK one thing, the federal government should have never gotten involved. Party of states rights my ass. That's all for that.

So it finally looks like winter on the mountain even though it mid/late March. I had a feeling this winter was going to be like this when the snow never really came back in December. Although I still say it's Ski Corps fault for plowing over some of the classic hits on the mountain. Fifteen inches today and I haven't moved more than 500 feet since I got home. Hell I did get to catch up on Law and Order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to leave this comment under the Skunk piece due to the relevancy of rodents involved. Instead I choose to leave this under your most recent enrty in the hopes of a quicker response. Pump Monkey, you will love this one.


BTW: Are skunks rodents? I'm not even sure.
