Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A night with the brown bottle

What is it about the brown liquors that make me feel so good? It's another whiskey night here at the Monkey House. Apparently I've ingested a fair amount or at least that is what my fingers tell me when I try to type. But what the hell, I've got a cool British Sea Power song playing in the headphones. It helps make up for the fact that I should have gone to bed hours ago. I spent close to fifteen hours at work yesterday making copies in reference to a town in Texas I never want to see the name of again as long as I live. In the last three days I've work more than thirty hours, which is great because can use that time to go Vegas this fall to celebrate my birthday.

other than that there is a lot of disjointedness that is making my head spin. Scotty is dead and his ashes are going into space (and thank you for that). And maybe the Brits were aware that an Iraqi invasion might just piss off some Arabs. Well at least some of them over on the other side of the pond will admit to that possibility.

And on top of all that; I've discovered a great band, Mates of State, who hail from the Bay Area (Paradox? You heard/seen these guys?). Anyway, check out the song "Along for the Ride". I'm out in a whiskey haze.

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