Tuesday, July 26, 2005

One more night

No one can say I'm not a good former employee. My previous boss called me at work today and sort of begged me to come in and cover a couple of shifts as much as I could. Of course, I said yes, for one the extra money is nice and two it seemed that she really got shafted. Apparently, the recently fired (as of today) decided to call from New York and inform her that he wouldn't be coming in today or the rest of the week for that matter. Not only that but the other night guy is still out of town. I just couldn't say no and why would I? Plus I get to close an hour earlier, fine by me.

The odd thing is, it was like second nature to be there, as if I had never left. Although I was really able to get surly on anyone, there wasn't anyone there. Well there was the guy that pulled to get gas in his big ass truck up as I was turning out the lights. I told him we were closed while I was letting someone in to buy smokes. Maybe tomorrow night.

1 comment:

JackassJimmy said...

Talk about going above and beyond, or diving on the grenade or taking one for the team. You are the man.

So many employers would just expect it of you to come in and work.

I had a former employer who worked me to death after repeated requests for a day off every 6 months or so. After ignoring my attempts at settlement, I basically walked out of work and never went back.

They would call my house and ask why I wasnt at work, and I would tell them I needed sanity and sleep. They never seemed to get this but I think they realized they lost a decent & honest employee and thus kept calling and calling and calling.

Your a good man, Charlie Brown!
