Friday, December 09, 2005

Chasing some cold pressure

Damn, I've got all of this stuff running around in my head and I can't seem to nail it down. Or at least grab onto it long enough to name it. Collecting my thoughts can be a meaningless phrase sometimes.

Last night was a five blanket night and my room was quite chilly when I woke up. That's what happens when you sleep in the coldest room in the house. When I went to start the Surly Mayfly, she wouldn't start. Even with a jump. I think it got so cold last night the oil turned to sludge. So I had one cold walk to work, thankfully the sun was shining. Eventually she started up. I am going to buy myself a blockheater for Christmas. Now if I could just get someone to buy me a new boombox type stereo. With an AUX slot so I can listen to my records again.

I may have ended my bloodletting streak today. There was no blood loss at all. No new cuts, scrapes or bruises. Take that! I'm no self-mutilating goth. The only self-mutilating I do is to my own ego thank you very much. And I try to keep that to a minimum.

And by the way, in my little world "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen is an awesome song.


JackassJimmy said...

Under Presure is a great song in anybody's world.

Sorry you had to do the popsicle stroll on the way to work.

Fuck Winter!


Anonymous said...

a self inflicted bruised, bloodletted ego. hmm. i just don't feel that i can relate. please elaborate.
amy elisabeth
(sometimes i find it difficult to detect my own sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

Under Pressure is in my top 10 favorite songs of all time.