Thursday, December 15, 2005

Clockwatching and a four hour drive

When I wake up tomorrow, it'll be one more day until I leave for this adventure that sprung from this here Internet. The nervousness hasn't set in yet, I imagine it will when I get within fifty miles of her home.

This is seemingly new to me. As some of you know, I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to dating. It's been a very long time since I've been out there. And I've never done anything like this.

The thing is, I'm pretty excited about this. I've been looking forward to it since we decided to meet and as the day approaches I seem to be able to think of little else.

I just hope that she likes me for what I am in person, bad puns and all.


Anonymous said...

hopefully neither of you lose any sleep over this.

GCU of paradox said...

It'll be great. Just be yourself. That's how I fell in love with you.....

JackassJimmy said...

"the force will be you....always"

Go daddy go!!!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! Don't expect too much and, like global said, just be yourself.


Anonymous said...

screw being yourself. you should be just like tom selleck.