Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ulysses and me

Ulysses and I
Originally uploaded by surly monkey.
Look it's me and the family dog! This is the first time I've shown myself here but there are only a few of you who don't know what I look like anyway.

The way Ulysess joined our family is a bit of a cool story. While my brother was hanging out in Hoosier National Forest he found this dog who according to his tag was named Teva (yes like the sandal). So he calls the number on the tag and the person on the other end basically said if you want him you can have him. To this day I can remember pulling up to his house in Bloomington, seeing the dog and asking my parents "Does ____ have a dog?" As far as they knew he didn't. But there he was on the lawn. After getting the story on how he was found I asked my brother if he had a name for him. There was no way this magnificent dog would be stuck with a name like Teva. He said no and I suggested Ulysess (I had just finished the Odyssey). It seemed to fit.

Needless to say the Ulysess has been part of the family ever since. Eventually he ended up with our parents due to the amount of traveling my brother did. He is quite the well loved dog over at the house although he does find himself outnumbered by the cats (and his favorite cat, Juice, died recently. They were pals and I know he misses Juice). I think everyone of us kids have some entertaining photos and film of him. As for who took this particular photo, it's up in the air. All I know is that I didn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to call you out or anything but I think Ulysseus was actually just running around in the street by ____'s house.