Friday, September 02, 2005

It's getting bad

After having been slightly scolded by Jackass Jimmy(I could try and defend myself but not tonight), I have to say the situation in New Orleans blows me away. This photo says a lot to me. I'd show it here but I'm not that smart. Not to denigrate the suffering that is happening in New Orleans but it reminds me of the horror of the "Dawn of the Dead" remake. Truthfully that movie scares the hell out of me and what I am seeing and reading from there reminds me of the no-mans land feeling that movie left me with. Of course I realize there are no zombies down in the Big Easy but the sheer devastation of an entire city just leaves me with this otherwordly feeling. I couldn't even imagine being there and going through what suffering these people are experiencing.

After just a few days the descent into total anarchy fascinates and repels me at the same time. That people are firing bullets at those are trying to save them and cops are tuning in their badges is just a sign of the chaos that is happening there. I know that this is where I am drawing the comparison to the movie from. The desperation of these people is unfathomable. And my heart goes out to the survivors and especially those who survived and lost more than just their possessions. Those are truly the ones who lost everything. God bless their souls.

1 comment:

JackassJimmy said...


I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was scolding you. I was hesitant to post that comment but there no way to type nuance or intention in your voice on the net.

Like I said in the original comment, I 'm not pointing fingers at anyone. I just think if we as people were a little more conscious of our fellow man, people in New Orleans would not feel so helpless that they are tryign to kill those trying to help them.

Again my apoloiges if I came off like an asshole.
