Monday, September 26, 2005

Wrap up.

Originally uploaded by surly monkey.
The end result of this weekend is about ten photos. Not so good when you consider the goal was to go and capture the fall foilage today. I went driving in south Routt country but discovered that there was nowhere to pull off the road when I saw something I wanted to talk a photo of. Fine. I think I got two good shots out of the whole bunch.

It wasn't an entire waste, though. I did stay up super late talking to a certain young lady who lives somewhere east of the Mississippi River. Quite an enjoyable conversation I must say.

There was a party I went to but I had to flee when a bunch of college kids showed up and finished the keg off in less than ten minutes. I know I was one of those kids once but damn do they drive me crazy now.

I'm sure there are lots of things that I've missed and a few that I've left out on purpose but oh well.


GCU of paradox said...

I think you wrote something a few entries ago about playing video games so much that they end up invading your dreams. Well, I ended up playing Luxor (find it on yahoo or msn games) for several hours yesterday, and sure enough, it f*cked up my sleep last night. That game is addictive, I think you would like it. They only give you a sixty minute trial, but it'll keep working as long as you don't exit/quit the game. Give it a shot; I got up to, but couldn't pass board 9-2.

ADELA said...

Alexis, Jon's girlfriend. Solid entry on the skunk. I too am amazed by small mammals that you just want to look up and make eye contact with you. It was good you came and had a beer! Cheers.