Thursday, September 29, 2005

Print job

viaduct horizon
Originally uploaded by surly monkey.
Most of my evening was spent printing up some photos. Most of them were just 4x6 prints for an album but I did print out a few larger ones for someone.

The one shown here is one of them. The really cool thing about this photo is that if you were to look closely, there is a dog, a bird and a deer carcass. Unfortunately, you can't really make them out here on the web. This one is part of a series I took at the Solsberry Viaduct outside of Solsberry Indiana.

Lately, a few people have been encouraging me to try and have a show of my photos. For the first time I'm actually considering it. I've never considered myself an artist (or writer for that matter), so I have no idea as to how about getting a show together. It's probably just a matter of asking the right people the right questions.

The only show I've ever thought about would be one with photos from my brother, sister and myself. I really think that would be a cool show. All three of us have some great photos.

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