Thursday, October 06, 2005


seth doesn't drink tonight
Originally uploaded by surly monkey.
I may have mentioned that I'm trying to get a photo show together. It just hit me tonight that I have more than 4000 digital photos to go through for this thing (and that's not even counting the 35mm stuff). And I need to whittle this down to ten or fifteen, that in itself is a bit of a chore.

It doesn't help that I'm a slacker in real life. I'm surprised at the amount of work I put into it today to be honest. And that was just getting quotes. The gallery I'm trying to get into wasn't even open when I stopped by today. Goddamn artists.

The truth is I don't consider myself an artist. Putting a show together? I have no idea how to do that. I'm just a guy that takes pictures and 10% of the time I get some really lucky and awesome photos emerge. Of course there are some that I am proud of but so many of them were made by pure chance. There are moments though when I see a shot and I am able to take it. Those are the times that make me wonder if maybe I am more than just an eye behind a camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man - if you're just an eye behind the camera, then I'm a monkey's uncle! Actually, I think I am the uncle to about four monkeys, but you're still more than an eye behind the camera.

It is commonplace for anyone expressing themselves through media to be self-critical, and I think it's a good thing, too - keeps ya' honest. But I don't think it's a good thing to doubt whether or not you deserve to call yourself an artist. I say, if you create something out of sincere intention, then the outcome will be a valid expression of that intention.

Anyway, somebody has to take pictures of cool stuff for the rest of us to look at!