Friday, October 21, 2005


One tenet that many of the worlds religions have in common is the idea that people should not be attached to material possessions of this world. As much as I like this shared concept, I can't seem to put into practice very well. There is a lot of stuff packed into my living space. It doesn't help much that I come from a long line of packrats. I think I still have, in various locations, every magazine that I've bought or stolen since I was very young. I have small rocks from various parts of the world, strangely enough I remember where I got almost every one of them. In my boxes there are trinkets and tokens from my past, a past that I don't remember until I pull out one of these artifacts and it all comes back. Or at least the moment when I found or received said artifact.

As appealing as the idea of being free of material possessions is, the fact remains that I will never be able to live with just the clothes on my back. And really I don't think I would want to live that way. There is a level of stability that I like, and part of that is clean clothes and a roof over my head. And bathing. I've been to the point where I can smell myself before and I don't like it.

If I were put in the position of the old question of naming the three things I would save from a fire, I don't know what all three would be. I'd guess that two would be my computer stuff and my photos but I don't know what the last one or two would be. Maybe I'm closer than I realize.

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