Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sleep, not Illuminati here!

It's late and once again I don't want to go to sleep. It's not like there is anything keeping my up, I'm just not ready even though it is almost 4 am.

This is what happens when I get home and jump on the computer for "just a few minutes". I end up looking at Wikipedia for hours. I'm not even going to bother with what I read about tonight as it was mostly conspiracy related and I'm trying not to dwell on that stuff. I can make my own up just as easily.

Of course, everytime I think of a new one I check it out to see if anyone has ever done it before. Invariably, I rarely create a new one. In fact, can't think of one that I've come up with that someone hasn't come up with already. Well, except for maybe the supposed off duty cop that cited my mom for going 50 in a 15 last week. That one sounds fishy to me. I've been a passenger with my mom and I know she doesn't speed like that. In fact, she always hassles me if I even go five over. But still he was off duty. What kind of cop pulls people over for speeding when they're off duty? I'll tell you what kind. The I-70 Killer, that's who! Ok, maybe not quite but damn if I were a cop the last thing I'd want to do is pull people over for speeding when I wasn't working.

Anyway, I think I've worn myself out enough to try to go to bed.

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